How Many Points to Suspend License in TN?

By Eric Thomas 4 Min Read

“Oops, Too Many Points!” How to Avoid Losing Your License in Tennessee

How Many Points to Suspend License in TN

Driving in Tennessee is awesome – it’s the freedom to hit the open road and explore. But breaking traffic rules too often can put a serious dent in that freedom. Let’s break down Tennessee’s point system and how to steer clear of license suspension.

The Point System: Think of It Like Your Driving Report Card

The Tennessee Department of Safety keeps tabs on your driving with a point system. Think of it like a report card where each traffic ticket is a bad grade. Pile up too many bad grades, and there are consequences…like losing your license.

12 Points: The Uh-Oh Number

If you get 12 or more points in a single year, it’s suspension time. That means no driving for a while, which can be a major hassle.

How Long Will I Be Off the Road?

The length of your suspension depends on how many times this has happened before:

  • First Suspension: Up to 6 months (that’s half a year!)
  • Second Suspension: Up to a whole year.
  • Third and Beyond: Up to a year, and you might have to take driving classes before getting your license back.

What Kinds of Mistakes Earn Points?

Here’s a look at some common point-getters (remember, this isn’t a complete list!):

  • Speeding (especially way too fast): Points depend on how much over the limit you are going.
  • Reckless driving (no more road rage): 6 points
  • Driving under the influence (DUI – never worth it): Immediate license loss
  • Hit-and-run (always the wrong choice): 6 points
  • Passing a stopped school bus: 6 points

Can I Get Out of a Suspension or Get Some Points Back?

Maybe! Here are a few possibilities:

  • Fight the Suspension: You can try to challenge it at a hearing. If you win, you might avoid a suspension or get it shortened.
  • Traffic School: Sometimes, taking a driving class can knock a few points off your record.
  • Good Behavior Bonus: Drive safely for a while, and you might be able to get some points removed.

The Easiest Way to Keep Your License? Drive Like a Pro!

Okay, let’s be real, mistakes happen. But the best way to keep those points off your record is to be a safe and responsible driver:

  • Mind Those Speed Limits and Traffic Signs: Don’t tempt those sneaky speed traps!
  • Put the Phone Down: Eyes on the road, always. Distracted driving is a big no-no.
  • Never Drive Impaired: It’s just not worth it. Get a ride or call a friend.

Remember: It’s Not Just About the State

Your insurance company also cares a lot about your driving record. Too many tickets can send your insurance rates through the roof – ouch!

Important Note: Laws can change! Always double-check with the Tennessee Department of Safety website for the most up-to-date official info.

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