How Many Points to Suspend License in NJ

By Eric Thomas 4 Min Read

Don’t Let the Points Pile Up: How to Avoid Losing Your License in New Jersey

How Many Points to Suspend License in NJ

How Many Points to Suspend License in NJ: Driving in the Garden State means freedom, but too many traffic tickets can land you on the curb. The New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC) uses a point system to keep track of violations, and just like a bad game show, too many points mean you’re out. This article breaks down the point system and how to protect your driving privileges.

How New Jersey’s Point System Works

Think of the MVC as keeping a scorecard of your driving habits. Every time you get a moving violation, points get added to your license. More serious violations mean more points – it’s like a not-so-fun point-based arcade game.

The Magic Number: 12 Points

If you get 12 or more points within two years, your driver’s license will be suspended. Ouch! This means no driving for a while, which can make life a whole lot more complicated.

How Long Does a Suspension Last?

The length of the suspension depends on your driving history (and how much trouble you’ve been in before):

  • First Suspension: Usually a few months.
  • Second and Beyond Suspensions get longer with each offense.

What Kinds of Violations Cause Trouble

Here are some common ways to rack up points in New Jersey:

  • Speeding: Points vary depending on how fast you are going over the limit.
  • Reckless driving: 5 points (slow down and put the phone away!)
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs (DUI): Immediate and serious consequences, including license suspension.
  • Leaving the scene of an accident (hit-and-run): 8 points.
  • Passing a stopped school bus: 5 points

Can I Fight a Suspension or Get Points Removed?

There might be a few lifelines available:

  • Challenge the Suspension: You can request a hearing to try to fight it. Success isn’t guaranteed, but it might work.
  • Driving School: In some cases, taking a defensive driving course could knock a few points off your record.
  • Good Behavior Bonus: Every year you drive without getting any new violations, the MVC removes three points. It’s a slow process, but it pays to be safe!

Insurance Points: A Double Whammy

Don’t confuse the MVC’s points with the system your insurance company uses. Getting lots of tickets can make your insurance rates skyrocket – so it’s a double whammy on your wallet!

The Best Way to Keep Your License

We all make the occasional driving slip-up, but the smartest way to avoid losing your license is simple:

  • Follow the Rules of the Road: Obey speed limits, and traffic signals, and use those turn signals!
  • Leave the Distractions Alone: Your phone can wait. Focus on driving.
  • Never Drive Impaired: Call a cab, Uber, or a friend if you’ve been drinking. It’s never worth the risk.

Traffic laws are subject to change, so always check the latest rules with the NJ MVC website. Better safe than sorry!
Keeping your license in good standing isn’t just about avoiding points – it’s about responsible driving. Buckle up, be smart, and enjoy the freedom of the open road in New Jersey!

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