How Many Points to Suspend License in NC?

By Eric Thomas 4 Min Read

How Many Points Will Get Your License Suspended in NC?

How Many Points to Suspend License in NC

How Many Points to Suspend License in NC: We all know that driving is a privilege, not a right. If you get too many tickets in North Carolina, that privilege can be taken away. This article breaks down how the whole point system works, how many points are too many, and what you can do to protect your license.

How NC’s Point System Works 

Think of the NC Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) as keeping a scorecard of your driving habits. Mess up and get a moving violation? Points get added to your record – just like a not-so-fun game. The worse the violation, the more points you get. The whole idea is to figure out which drivers might be more likely to cause trouble on the road.

The Magic Number: How Many Points Trigger a Suspension

Here’s where things get serious:

  • 12 points in a three-year period = license suspension. Think of this as exceeding your strike limit.
  • 8 points within three years of getting your license back after a suspension = another suspension. They’re watching extra closely after you’ve been in trouble before.

Uh-Oh! How Long Will My License Be Suspended?

This depends on how many times you’ve had your license suspended:

  • First time: Up to 60 days (that’s two whole months!)
  • Second time: Up to 6 months (ouch!)
  • Third time or more: Up to a year (seriously, don’t let this happen).

What Kinds of Violations Rack Up Points?

Here are some common ones (and remember, this isn’t a complete list):

  • Speeding (especially way over 55 mph): 2-4 points, depending on how fast you were going.
  • Aggressive driving (road rage, anyone?): A big 5 points.
  • Reckless driving: 4 points.
  • Hit-and-run (never the right choice): 4 points.
  • Passing a stopped school bus: 5 points.
  • Driving while impaired (DWI): This one’s a whole different ballgame, your license is gone immediately.

Can I Get Rid of Some of My Points?

Maybe! Here are a couple of options:

  • Driver Improvement Clinic: If you’ve got at least 7 points, this class might be an option. Finish the clinic, and they’ll knock 3 points off your record.
  • Clean Driving Record: Three straight years without any tickets or suspensions? The DMV might take off three points if you ask nicely.

A Note About Insurance

Your insurance company cares about your driving record too, but they have their own way of doing things. So, even if you dodge a DMV suspension, a bad record can still make your insurance rates skyrocket.

The Best Way to Keep Your License

It’s simple (but sometimes tough to do): Drive safely! Obey traffic laws, watch your speed, and just be a responsible driver. It keeps you, other drivers, and your license in good shape.

Remember: Laws Can Change

It’s always a good idea to double-check the latest rules on the official North Carolina DMV website .

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