Can You Get Insurance On A Rebuilt Title

By Brain Dawn 4 Min Read

Can You Get Insurance On A Rebuilt Title: Found a good deal on a car, but worried because it has a “rebuilt title”? Don’t worry too much. Even though it might take a bit more effort, you can still get insurance for a car with a rebuilt title. Let’s dive into how to get insurance for these cars that were once totaled.

Can You Get Insurance On A Rebuilt Title
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Can You Get Insurance On A Rebuilt Title

Rebuilt Title Vs. Salvage Title: Understanding The Difference

Let’s start by clearing up a common mistake. You can’t get insurance for a car with a salvage title. Salvage titles are for cars that are too damaged to fix and not safe to drive. But if a car with a salvage title goes through a tough repair process, passes safety tests, and gets a rebuilt title, then it can be driven again and you can get insurance for it.

The Insurance Landscape For Rebuilt Titles

Understanding car insurance and rebuilt titles can be a bit confusing. Here’s what you should know:

Different Insurance Companies, Different Rules: Some insurance companies might say no to insuring cars with rebuilt titles. Others might only offer limited coverage, like just protecting others if you cause an accidents, not your own car.
Costs Might Go Up: Be ready for insurance to possibly cost more than for a car with a clean title. Insurance companies see rebuilt titles as a higher risk.
But There’s Hope: Don’t worry! Many insurance companies will still cover cars with rebuilt titles. You just might have to look a bit harder to find the right one and the right coverage.

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Tips For Securing Insurance On A Rebuilt Title

Don’t let a rebuilt title stop you from getting your dream car. Here are some tips to help you get insured:

Check Out Different Companies: Don’t just go with the first insurance quote you get. Get quotes from a few different companies so you can compare price and what they cover.
Be Honest: Tell the insurance company right away if the car has a rebuilt title. It’s important to be truthful.
Get Proof: Having paperwork showing that the repairs were done right and the car passed inspections can really help you get insured.
Look Into Special Insurers: Some insurance companies specialize in covering cars that are seen as more risky, like ones with rebuilt titles. They might be more willing to give you good coverage at a good price.

Beyond The Insurance: Additional Considerations

Keep in mind, having a rebuilt title can make it harder to sell the car later on. So, think about this when you’re deciding if you want to buy a car with a rebuilt title. Also, it’s really important to get a good inspection done before you buy the car. This will help make sure the repairs were done right and the car is safe to drive.

The Takeaway: Knowledge Is Power

Getting insurance for a car with a rebuilt title might take more work, but it’s totally doable. If you learn about how insurance works, check out different options, and have all your paperwork ready, you can get the coverage you need to drive without worry. Don’t forget, a rebuilt title doesn’t mean you can’t get a good car for a great price!


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